Monday, March 23, 2015

{3.23.15} First Week in Miami

Elder Johns with his Mission President
So my first area is called Fountainebleau North! My zone is in Hialeah, which is a really cuban/latin part of Miami. There's two zones that are known for being almost entirely latin.. and Im in one of them hahaha. So Everybody speaks spanish. about 50% speak only spanish, and 50% know english but if you show any sign that you can speak spanish they willl chose to speak spanish. Some of those who can speak English are really nice and help me. I cant understand anything cubans say, and theres tons of different countries here so everyone speaks spanish differently. Its really confusing. Like for example, Cubans just say "gracia" and "buena" when they greet you and it sounds like they have a golfball in their mouth.

Despite my difficulties in the Language, my trainer is a boss. I definitely got lucky. Hes a solid missionary and his Spanish is awesome. His name is Elder Gomez. Despite his name, he actually didnt speak Spanish before his mission. Hes from California. His trainer was from Mexico tho, and so he spoke entirely in spanish his first two transfers. So guess what im doing? hahah solo espanol, toda de la dia. I know it will bless me and I'll be able to see Miracles from his guidance and training.

Speaking of Miracles, we have two baptismal dates! turns out Fort Lauderdale is the number 1 baptizing mission is all of North America. And I can see why: everyone is super humble and prepared to receive the Gospel, to the point that we only teach the very "elect." Most the people we end up teaching are already ready and willing to be baptized. Its just our job to find them and deteremine who is prepared.

While knocking, we prayed about where to knock. As we prayed, I saw a yellow mobile home with a mom and two kids inside. So we went into the trailer park and knocked all the houses (especially the yellow ones hahha) but we didnt find anyone willing to listen. Then, it was late, and we hadtime for one more house. I remembered a small strip of trailers from earlier, and we went to knock it on our way home. There were 3 yellow houses, and we picked one and knocked it. And we found the family! Her name is Markelli. Shes really really shy, but was open to our message. Weve gone by twice, and she has told us that her Grandfather (who recently passed away) is telling her she needs to go to church. The lord prepares people!

Also, a recent convert named hermano roberto, who is probably the coolest guy ive ever met in my life, invited us to teach his two cousins visiting from Venezuala. As soon as we walked in the door, I felt like I already knew these two men. We taught an awesome first lesson, and they were very open and accepting of the Gospel. Hermano Roberto, who was baptized in January, bore his testimony probably a dozen times and its amazingly powerful. Both the cousins accepted baptism in two weeks! Unfortunately, one is going to New York, but he came to church and wants to go back next week and says he will look up the missionaries in new york and stay in touch with his brother while he takes the discussions. The brother, staying here until July, is super excited for baptism but he says he wants us to teach him as much as possible before next weekend. Hermano Roberto told us that he comes from a very, very wealthy family in venezuala, and that they have over 5 homes throughout the world. But from talking to him, he just seems like a polite, humble young man. The Lord definitely blesses the humble and prepares the elect to hear the gospel.

All in all, I love it here in Miami! and I really love Latin people. Theyre sweet hahah. I hope all is well back home. Mom, thank you for the package! I already ate ALL of it hahha. Id say im gonna get fat here, but we ride our bike every where, all day and all night, and I sweat all day every day as well so Hopefully I'll stay lean. Also, we have an awesome gym in our apartment!... that we cant use. Mission president made a rule that we cannot lift in public gyms... so for now its pushups, pull-ups, dips, and sit ups. Its better than nothing!

Elder Johns

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